Sustainable Energy resources and Climate change

In an era of processes, Teens Uganda spear heads a number of environment programs to stimulate interests of individuals, communities, and strengthening partnerships with institutions seeking new ways to solve problems collectively. While working with young people there’s need to consider each interested party on an individual basis, youth clubs and on merits. The underlying reason is that young people and interested parties bring along with them own ideas, viewpoints, and practices.
With pressures mounting due to climate change, energy, food and water issues, experts emphasize that young people are not participating enough to address the new climatic challenges. Therefore, concerted efforts to draw young people in theory and practice across many disciplines have already started to trigger various reactions across the edge. Even though it is early to determine the rate and extent of progress, the increasing global attention young people signifies that young people need be considered especially while making important decisions that will affect them. 
Teaching youth on making Briquettes out of Agricultural Waste (Biomass) 
There are different aspects to take in account to understand youth motivations: how they are engaged in development activities, their connection to knowledge, to ICTs, to community and nature, their understanding of sustainability and Enhancing Ecosystems based Approaches.
With the growing interest in socioeconomic empowerment of both individuals and communities, there has need for simple innovative approaches that can enhance livelihood and lift standards of living omen and women in the communities. Therefore, a number of campaigns and behavioural change actions need to be executed to meet the overall environmental objective and at the same time meet the long term implications especially to community linked to sustainable development.
Cooking Fuels (Briquettes) made by Teens Uganda member 
TEENS Uganda contributes to the education of communities about maintaining a clean environment and turning garbage into wealth.  As a community based organization our organization continues to empower young people among vulnerable communities and the communities themselves with innovative approaches to sustainable development and improving economic standards. Briquette making is a key component of empowering community’s project.

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